Monday, February 25

Fallow year...

After a 'fallow' 2007, I was determined that 2008 was going to be a more productive year for the garden.

So with the help of two exceptionally generous friends we managed to clear my garden, it only took 5 hours.

Now the hardwork of planting out and maintenance. If you live in the Oxford area, expect a summer and early autumn of unwanted corgettes and marrows.


Ian Adams said...

Impressive ground clearance Jim! See you next week at the CMS small missional communities event. peace Ian

Matt Freer said...

Thanks for the link to the new blog Jim - that garden looks transformed!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jim,
What a surprise to hear from you after so long.
Get in touch properly, ok?
You can email me on
and I will give you my personal email there.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Anonymous said...

the blessing of the compost christ be upon your land. may you experience fecundity!